European Commission (Directorate General Justice and Consumers) has entrusted a Consortium of 9 institutions from Slovenia and Serbia the implementation of 3-years (2019-2022) project titled ˝Respect of diversity as a cornerstone for integration of Roma through employment – the case of Slovenia and Serbia˝ (Nr.: 848948).

Its main objectives were:

Overall objective:

Combating discrimination of Roma with emphasis on labour market and thus contributing to the integration of Roma into mainstream society in Slovenia and Serbia


  1. To explore the reasons and methods of discriminating Roma regarding employment by employers on one and the viewpoints of Roma regarding these issues on the other side;
  2. To research and analyse other issues, which hinder the employment of Roma (with emphasis on Roma women and youth);
  3. To raise awareness of employers, of Roma, of municipalities’ and other stakeholders, which work on social inclusion of Roma and of general public on importance of combating discrimination of Roma in the process of employment;
  4. To propose improvements of human and institutional capacities of stakeholders which have impact on social inclusion of Roma;
  5. To elaborate adequate recommendations to the target groups involved and of proposals for the improvement of instruments concerning education, vocational training and employment in the frame of sustainable development on national and local level and
  6. To exchange and share best practices and experiences between stakeholders in Serbia and Slovenia (nationally and internationally) and disseminate best practices in the region of Western Balkans and Europe.

Project target groups were:

  1. Employable Roma, with emphasis on women and youth (above 18 years);
  2. Cultural, professional and similar Roma organisations;
  3. Roma members of municipalities’ councils (in Slovenia) and Roma coordinators (in Serbia);
  4. CEO and relevant personnel of public and private enterprises;
  5. Municipalities’ and other stakeholders and experts which have impact on social inclusion of Roma;
  6. Governmental and Parliamentarian bodies, agencies and services dealing with effecting Roma integration and
  7. General public with emphasis on local societies where are Roma settled